Thursday, February 6, 2014

Describe your vision of how the media world will be for most people five years from now. Discuss how and where people will access news, entertainment, and other media content, and examine what media companies may be important. Think back through all the readings to give examples and contexts.

It is hard for me to remember that Facebook turned ten this week.  I have been on it from nearly the start, back when you had to have a college email address to sign up and you could only search for people within your college.  I remember eagerly awaiting my receiving this information and then searching for my new roommate and trying to find new friends before I even arrived on campus for the first time.  It is hard to believe how much it has grown and evolved since then.  

The media world changes so gradually that it is hard to see it happening until you look back and realize how far we have come.  It is difficult to imagine what it will be like in one year, let alone five.  I believe that people will continue to become more dependent on their smartphones and tablets.  People like receiving information immediately and it is nice to be able to do that with your fingers from your pocket while you are waiting for the bus.

I think that with the years, certain things will become obsolete and others will become more necessary,  If you watched the commercials during the Super Bowl (and really, what else was there to watch that night?) you would have seen that Sony has developed a new pair of wireless earphones that play mp3s and can be used underwater.  I don't know about other people, but I never would have imagined that to be possible if someone had asked me. They have also created a set of goggles that you wear around your head and you can watch television sitting anywhere, even without access to a tv.  

I think that companies such as Sirius, Pandora, Hulu, and Netflix will remain important until newer technology kicks them out.  I can see things such as cable television and local radio being slowly phased out to make room for more internet-based technology.  Why pay for a show to be broadcast on several different networks when you can broadcast it on the internet for one set price and have it be accessed all around the world?

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